
Find information on courses, how our courses work and what your child is taught in different courses

Quran – Intermediate Level

15 Minutes per lesson

The focus of this course is to help your child improve and advance on the foundations they have built when they have already started learning the Quran previously. They will improve what they already know and they will learn to read the Quran fluently and eloquently while implementing all Tajweed rulings.

Level - Intermediate

This course is for those children who have started learning the Qur’an but needs improvement

Time Required - 6-24 Months

Time required is based on how fast your child is able to understand lessons and advance to new lessons

Course Offerings

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings

3 days Per week course

15 Minutes Per Class

When doing a 3 day per week course, we recommend spreading the days out over the week.

This is perfect for students wanting the minimum amount of days required per week to learn the Quran at an average pace.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Evenings

4 Days Per week course

15 Minutes Per Class

When doing a 4 day per week course, we recommend studying 4 days in a row to best retain everything you learn.

Best for students who want to learn the Quran or improve their recitation/tajweed at a fast pace.

Choose Your Preferred Days Of The Week

Option To Choose 3 or 4 Days Per Week

15 Minutes Per Class

Although we make a recommendation on which days of the week your child should have Quran Classes based on the number of classes they are taking, we understand your schedule may be different from ours.

We will always consider your preferences.

Course Objectives & Outcomes

Giving your child the best Quran & Islamic education is a privelege for us

Our very expericenced & well-versed teachers always prioritize, teach and treat every child as their very own.

Quran & Islamic education may be the outcome but our true objective will always be making sure your child is a good Muslim and a good human above all else.

Everything we do and teach is always for the sake of Allah.

Correct Arabic Letters Makhaarij

Correct Makhaarij

Pronounce all Arabic letters the correct way as they are supposed to be pronounced

Learn To Read The Qur'an Fluently From The Best Teachers

Read Fluently

Read the verses of the Quran fluently and smooth without hesitation

Perfect Your Qur'an Tajweed


Always adhere to all rules of Tajweed whenever reciting the Holy Quran

Eloquent Recitation Of The Qur'an


Recite the Quran in an eloquent manner; in the same way as it was revealed

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